Help make morning drop off’s a little bit easier for everyone and volunteer to be a valet helping with door opening and traffic!
Check on Parentsquare for current volunteer sign ups [requires ParentSquare access].
This year there are two morning Stop Kiss and Roll locations: Carolina Street with staff valets & Wisconsin Street with volunteer parent valets.
Stop Kiss and Roll Instructions:
Have your kids ready to exit the car on the SIDEWALK SIDE, with backpacks and other materials ready to unload.
Stay in the driver’s seat and have your child exit the car on the SIDEWALK SIDE and DO NOT EXIT YOUR CAR.
Follow the direction of staff and parent valets.
Watch out for pedestrians on crosswalk as you exit school valet zone.
At the Wisconsin Street location:
Do NOT park in the school bus zone, if you decide to park and not use the school valet.
Stop… Kiss… and ROLL! Help Starr King students arrive at school safe and on time!
Starr King’s campus is a hubbub of activities in the morning. On any given school day, there are several school buses, a MUNI bus stop, a public health center, pedestrians, and neighborhood commuters all competing for very limited space on the Wisconsin Street side of campus. It is virtually impossible for commuting parents to park, walk their child on campus, and leave their cars without disrupting the flow of traffic.
To alleviate morning traffic conditions, we encourage parents to carpool, use the school bus (with stops in SOMA, Mission, Bernal and Bayview), use MUNI (the 10, 19, or 48), use the walking school bus, or walk if you live close by.
For after school pick up, there is no Stop Kiss and Roll, parents and guardians need to pick up students at designated locations per map below: