Teacher Supplies Reimbursement

PTA will reimburse up to a maximum of $250 for classroom supplies. Submit electronic copies of your receipts and a reimbursement request to skpta.treasurer at gmail, or leave hard copies in the PTA mailbox. Reimbursement forms are here: [Google Sheet] [.pdf]

A few notes:

  • Before asking PTA for reimbursement, first check if the site can cover your requested expenses.

  • Please speak with your room parent or the PTA Parent/Teacher Liaison if you have gone over $250 in expenses; your class may be willing to individually fund the difference.

  • PTA can also post a link to your crowdsourced wish list (Amazon, GoFundMe, DonorsChoose) for other items you might like to request for your classroom.

  • Please allow 2-3 weeks for checks to be paid (4-6 weeks if requesting reimbursement over the summer). Due to PTA financial procedures, it can take a few weeks for the checks to be signed.


INformation for starr king teachers

Hello, Starr King Teachers! Please find information here about how to best make use of your PTA funds.

4th Grade teacher Ms. Baker giving a fist bump to SFUSD Superintendent VIncent Matthews

4th Grade teacher Ms. Baker giving a fist bump to SFUSD Superintendent VIncent Matthews