PTA Meetings
Don't forget to join the PTA if you haven't yet! $6 online, or $5 cash or check (leave with Ms. Christina in the office).
Crane installation in the cafeteria
Co-Presidents: Leslie Wan & Naj Daniels
Vice President: Sandra Jiu
Secretary: Catherine Duffy
Co-Treasurers: Kimberly Wicoff & Zheng Zheng Pan
Events Chair: Kay Yang
Fundraising Chair: Jane Duong
Communications Chair: Jeffrey Fang & Sophie Chou
New Families Chair: Amy Lin & Nancy Han
Technology Chair: Joanne Ho Huestler
Spring Fling Chair: Jane Duong & Anna Lai
Facilities Chair: Jessie Schaffer & Emily Wang
Parent-Teacher Liaison: pending
Sports Committee: Giovanna Masci & LaShall Hamlin
Compliance Officer: pending
Additional Documents
The SKPTA Google Drive folder is here. [requires ParentSquare access]
PTA Bylaws [unofficial version], official approval version in hard copy only and found in school office